5 MORI mamas share their motherhood stories

Mama by MORI was born out of a desire to support and empower mamas like you from bump to baby & beyond. To celebrate the making of a mama, we invited our amazing community at different stages of motherhood, to feature in the campaign.
At the shoot, we spoke to the mamas and mamas-to-be about their journeys so far and what advice they’d love to share with our community and new moms.
Meet our MORI mamas
Tell us about your journey into motherhood
My journey into motherhood was quite difficult due to a condition called prolactinoma, however, strong faith and the most amazing consultants meant that eventually, I was able to conceive naturally. Kimberly’s birth was not as straightforward as I’d hoped, firstly I was induced and then we discovered she was breech. However, it was far too late for a c-section so I did it with nothing but gas and air.
What was your favourite part about being pregnant?
During my pregnancy, I loved feeling her move. It’s nice knowing that she was there with me the whole time & you never feel alone. It really reminds you how incredible the human body is.
What is your relationship with your body now?
I hadn’t always been very comfortable with my size and found getting stretch marks the most uncomfortable change during pregnancy. Although everyone said ‘oh you’re growing a baby’ it never really made me feel any better...until I had her. Do I wish I was back to my pre-pregnancy size with no stretch marks? Yea! But I finally understand what everyone meant when they say these are a reminder and a badge of honour. Postpartum, I am learning to love my ‘new’ body, though I’m not completely happy with it, I’m grateful for what it’s done and what it’s achieved.
Deborah wears the Mama Jumpsuit
Tell us about your journey into motherhood
Becoming a mama is something I’ve always wanted, however naturally getting pregnant in the midst of a pandemic, a few months after our COVID approved mini civil ceremony wasn’t quite how I imagined it. I haven’t been able to go home to Singapore at all which is hard and don’t when I’ll be able to go once I’ve had my little girl. I feel I am missing out on the support of family and friends which has made it a little lonely. However, my husband has been incredible; we’ve managed to strengthen our relationship through it all and welcome every big change as an adventure.
What have been your highs and lows during pregnancy?
My bump has been small throughout my pregnancy, which did have me worried at first as to how she was growing, but, she’s hit her marks for every measurement. As I’m a first-time mama, I also found the first trimester was the most difficult since I had so many unanswered questions, but now I’m 30 weeks, I’m definitely more relaxed. The high point was definitely feeling the first kicks, it was so special for both me and my husband.
Why did you want to take part in our campaign?
I wanted to try something new, but also to celebrate a cool part of my life - it’s a special time that I’m not going to get again.
What advice would you give to first-time mamas?
Definitely to find your comfort zone in where you get your information, you can listen to others but ultimately make your own decisions.
Nicole wears the Bump to Baby Slogan Tee
Tell us about your journey into motherhood
I had an interesting journey as I have a history of reproductive issues including endometriosis and multiple ovarian surgeries. After trying for some time, I conceived naturally, however being pregnant during a pandemic was not what I originally planned. Fortunately, I had the support of my husband and family throughout.
How did you prepare for the birth & being a mum?
As a children’s nurse, I thought I’d be more ready for motherhood, but nothing can prepare you for the mental and physical changes it brings. I’ve seen thousands of children throughout my career, but taking care of your own is so different.
The pandemic nearly impacted my birth plan as I originally couldn’t have my mum by my side, but thankfully she was allowed in the end. The actual birth was nothing like I expected, it was one hour long from start to finish, we barely made it to the hospital and I had no pain relief, but it ended happily with my healthy little boy.
How has becoming a mum changed your relationship with your body?
It might be difficult looking at your postpartum body...my body’s not the same, there are stretch marks, it’s wobbly, but I gave birth to a life and there’s nothing more incredible than that. Plus, when my son smiles at me it makes me realise he’s not bothered about what my body looks like, so why should I be?
Anything else to share with other mamas?
My advice for all new mum’s is to do what makes you happy. Don’t listen to the outside noise, listen to what’s inside. And, love your body, for what it did and the life it brought into this world.
Sheilah wears the Bump to Baby Leggings
Tell us about your journey into motherhood
My journey into motherhood has been an adventure. My first pregnancy was going well until 30 weeks when I developed obstetric cholestasis and ended up having my little boy early. This time around, it’s been very different as we’ve all been home to enjoy the pregnancy as a family due to the pandemic. However, I suffered from morning sickness and have found it difficult to balance resting with looking after my 20-month-old son too. Nevertheless, I count my blessings that I have two babies and I love being a mummy.
What have you learnt about yourself since becoming a mum?
I’m a lot more patient than I thought I was! You have to learn to be mellow and keep calm, even when your child is screaming at you. I’ve also nearly mastered getting out of the house on time (with one) but that will all change soon and I’ll have to learn again.
What advice would you give to other mamas who are preparing to have another baby?
My advice to mama’s welcoming another baby is to include their other children in your pregnancy journey, from helping with the nursery to picking out toys for their new sibling. Plus, take plenty of photos with them and bump to look back on.
Anything else to share with other mamas?
Try to put yourself and self-care above everything as if you’re not happy, your child’s not happy as they can sense it.
Amber wears the Mama Jumpsuit
Tell us about your journey into motherhood
I met my partner whilst travelling in Australia and it was love at first sight. We travelled together around New Zealand, the Philippines and Bali before moving to London three years ago to start a family. I found out I was pregnant with my first-born Malo around Christmas - which was the perfect present for both of us! My second pregnancy was not planned. In fact, we only found out at 6 months so it was a big surprise. But now, we’re a happy family with our two little boys at home.
What advice would you give to mamas who have a surprise or unplanned pregnancy?
My advice to anybody in a similar situation is to step back and embrace it, taking everything day by day. I realised in the end, it was the best surprise ever.
Any products or techniques you’d recommend to new mums?
My hospital bag essential for new mums are nipple shields! I had a very bad breastfeeding experience the first time around with not much support and didn’t know if I was doing well or not. I found my nipples were bleeding daily and it was so painful I had to give up. With Manilla, I tried again with the shields and it helped us so much. I also made the mistake of expressing my milk too fast which gave me oversupply and mastitis - I learnt how not to with Manilla and my breastfeeding experience with him is pretty much perfect.
What is the biggest difference you’ve noticed as a mama of two?
The biggest difference I’ve noticed going from one to two is time allowance. I always try to make sure I give them the same amount of time & attention (as best I can). However, it’s much harder to find “me-time” now. Although we didn’t get much time to involve Malo in the pregnancy, but he is a very attentive big brother and calls him ‘bébé’ whenever he sees him, it’s very cute!
As you are French and your partner is German, is it important that your little ones grow up speaking your native languages as well as English?
For us, it’s very important that they grow up speaking our native languages, not just because my family only speak French, but it’s so valuable for them. We all speak English together as a family as this is where we live, but I only speak French when alone and my husband speaks to them in German. Malo is able to communicate & understand all three!
Julie wears the Bump to Baby Leggings
Shop the full Mama by MORI collection here
We’re here to help mamas embrace all the changes being a mother brings, so our model’s beautiful bodies have not been retouched, and no mama’s ever will be.
Join our community @babymoriofficial and share your motherhood moments with us #iamaMORImama