5 Ways To Help Prepare for Birth With Your Partner

There is no denying it, the thought of birth is terrifying - for both mother and father. You might not be able to give birth, but if you and your partner are expecting a little one, there are a few ways you can help to prepare. Here are some tips from the dads over at Daddilife!
How ready are you and your Partner for the Newborn?
The parenting journey can be quite tasking, especially for first-timers to say the least. We know that the love and care of both parents are essential for the baby right from conception, and it’s understandable that mothers can struggle significantly preparing for the birth of a baby even without the help of their partners. In most cases, people lack information on how to get ready for the delivery of a newborn. Dads can play an active role in preparing for the arrival of the baby, and here are our 5 tips for how dads can best get involved.
1. Offering moral, emotional and mental support
Mothers often face a tough time during the pregnancy period and the first weeks of raising a child. It can be more challenging if the partners are less reliable or unsupportive at all. Dads too have quite a role to play in preparing for the arrival of the baby. They have to ensure their spouses access the required ante-natal and post-natal care services as scheduled and also accompany them during clinics, therapy, and scans.
Moreover, they should make sure that the baby and the mother get enough rest and exercise regularly as much as maintaining a healthy diet if they want to receive a healthy baby. Besides, they should also mentally prepare for the changes that come with parenthood. Women are likely to experience various body and mood changes when pregnant. Thus, the fathers-to-be should be able to understand their partners and give them the space they need for successful baby development and offer the necessary support. It can help to find the right baby books for dad to help on that journey even quicker.
2. Helping each Other
During the pregnancy period and the initial weeks of parenting, partners should support each other as much as possible in doing tasks that come with parenthood.
Mums can help massively by making their partners aware of where they are supposed to help before and after the baby is born – from their point of view. Dad’s should also offer their views, and so begins the really important insights into how each can truly help each other. They may take part in the baby care and household chores while the mother gets involved more in nurturing the baby. The activities could be as simple as cleaning up, answering the door, washing clothes and any other vital task that will ensure the mother and the baby get enough rest too.
3. Bonding with the Bump
The couple should spend every bit of the pregnancy period bonding with the baby developing in the womb. Feeling the baby kick, listening to the hiccups, talking to the baby, monitoring the baby's movements with the hands-on touch is a fantastic experience for dads to bond with the unborn child. It is also a way of expressing love and support to the mother. As such, bonding makes the pregnancy period even more memorable for both parents. There have been many scientific studies that have shown how babies start recognizing voices from as early as being in the womb, so don’t miss out on your pre-birth time to bond.
4. Baby Shopping
Before the baby is born, some essential baby items when purchased beforehand are better. It is the responsibility of both parents to go shopping for baby necessities such as clothes, toys, nappies, and care packs for oils, detergents, and soaps. Also, the couple should purchase the necessary baby utensils earlier to avoid the last minute rush. Shopping together ensures that the baby does not lack anything vital once it is born. Additionally, it is the perfect time to express the desire and passion for the parents to usher in the new member of the family.
5. Preparing the newborn's room
The baby's arrival preparations are not complete without a comfortable nesting place for the baby. You can welcome the baby by assembling the crib, selecting the most suitable car seat as well as getting the baby nursery ready. It is also advisable that both parents take part in choosing the required furniture and accessories for the baby's room.
Therefore, it is clear that preparing for the birth of a baby is more efficient when both parents are involved. While there are many new dad specific ways to get involved, Dads-to-be should really consider making their partners happy their most important priority during the pregnancy period. A happy mother is most likely to produce a happy and healthy baby all together.
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