How To Write a Birthing Plan
How To Write a Birthing Plan
We've partnered with Sasha Romary from The Modern Mama, who provides maternity and postpartum support to mothers. Birth plans are an important part of your pregnancy but can be tiring to put together. Sasha has written her list on how to start thinking about your birth plan.
Creating a birth plan helps prepare you and your partner for labour by addressing all issues and decisions that could arise and discussing your preferences and views before they pop up mid-contraction! A written birth plan also helps refresh your healthcare provider’s memory when you are in labour and it informs new nurses and midwives about your preferences. It helps minimise unrealistic expectations, encourages a more positive birth experience and eliminates major conflicts during active labour and postpartum newborn care.
I have compiled some tips to help guide you in creating a successful birth plan for you and your healthcare professionals.
1) Keep it simple. Many hospitals roll their eyes when they are given pages and pages of a patient’s preferences to read. Keep your birth plan to the most important points and use short, clear sentences. Try and limit the entire thing to a page or two. This will ensure that your healthcare providers will take the time to read it and retain the key points to supporting you during birth.
2) Be flexible. Remember that the birth plan includes ideal guidelines and loose preferences and is not a rock-solid plan for how your labour will unfold. Labour is unpredictable and the more you are open to the possibility of having things change, the more positive your birth experience will be.
4) Work with your birth team. Don’t try and go against any hospital procedures or work with a doctor who is not open to the kind of birth experience you are hoping to achieve. Find medical professionals who are willing to support your vision and go through your birth plan and wishes with them beforehand so that you understand what is possible in the location where you have chosen to give birth. Including your medical team in your birth preparation will not only help you achieve your birth goals but will allow you to have a more positive birth experience as a whole.
About The Modern Mama
The Modern Mama is the perfect place to provide you with all the information you need to make educated decisions on your family life. Providing a maternity consulting service to make sure that whether you need help devising a personalised birthing plan, ideas for nursery design or advice on how to look after your newborn baby, you feel confident in everything you do. Find out how to get the support you deserve.